2009—Strength & Lust

2008 was a year focused on The Wheel of Fortune—finalizations and new beginnings. The primary challenge of 2008 was fully expressing original ideas and visions and being more flexible, resilient, optimistic and aware.

The primary symbol for 2009 is STRENGTH & LUST, which is a symbol of self-renewal through your creativity and strength. This is a year of having the courage to risk and have faith in yourself.

During 2009, you will be faced with opportunities to gain control of your life force and the driving forces in your life. This is about having lust for life, having strong desires and passions, and harnessing your natural energy to work in harmony with it. This is a year to sort out what is truly valuable in your life and to develop the endurance to stay with what is most important until it fully manifests. The challenge this year is overcoming old fears, taming and reigning the beast within—those parts of yourself with which you are not totally comfortable and donÕt totally trust, but which have deep reservoirs of strength to be used for your good.

The keys:

1.   You must draw upon the unlimited strength that comes from Spirit, from the Divine, rather than rely on your own strength and personal power.

2.   Learn to use love as a primary source of strength and have the courage to risk acting on your highest desires.

ÒI love all of me.Ó

ÒI am alive, creative, expressive and passionately in love with life and all its opportunities.Ó

ÒI courageously persevere in the loving reconciliation of my lower and higher selves.Ó

This is also a year focused on Service—moving out of defensive patterns of relationship with the world where you rely on your limited self to meet all of your needs, and moving into a pattern of defenselessness, knowing your true relationship with the Divine and the strength, guidance and abundance which is yours in that relationship. The Servant uses the creations of the world to support others. You can choose to see all things in terms of how they can be shared and help others. You need to be sure that you take care of yourself too, so that you feel supported and nurtured. Be aware of serving that which you want to experience more of in your world. Remember, serving littleness creates more littleness. Serving strength promotes a world of strength. Avoid creating dependency. Rather, foster inter-dependence, recognizing that true love is equal.

ÒI serve only Spirit.Ó

ÒI both give and receive unconditional love as I free myself and others,

 trusting in the perfection of each relationship.Ó

The primary support tools available during this year are:

¥    The Emperor—When you become critical or lose faith, or stop trusting your intuition, you must exercise your power and leadership, implementing visions and experiencing your wholeness and your unity with all aspects of your world.

ÒI see and I create.Ó

ÒI have the confidence and power to manifest my highest visions in practical form for the good of all.Ó

ÒI have the power and discipline to achieve my highest ambitions.Ó

¥    The Idealist—Be a Òtrue believerÓ seeing and knowing the good in everything. Integrate all aspects of your physical and spiritual world to create true health, prosperity and growth for everyone. When you fall from this ideal, you become The Sensitive, much more concerned with safety and security and whether you fit in or belong. Maintain your adaptability and flexibility so you can build new skills from past experience to be more responsive, compassionate, inspirational and visionary.

ÒI believe only the true and good.Ó

ÒI hold true to my highest visions and see the perfection in all creation.Ó

¥    Entirety, Perfection of Being—This is the ability to express the energy of any aspect of your spiritual being when needed, to be and express any aspect of God or Goodness.

Ò I am Divine

ÒI express divine perfection in my every thought, word and deed as I remember the truth of who I am.Ó