Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Loving Reminders Clarified  

(a personal message in response to some questions asked of me.)
In November 1998 I moved back to California with my husband and partner Robert.
I asked Spirit how I was to serve. I was encouraged to begin an email ministry and sharing of my daily inner guidance.
Since 1977 I have listened within and trusted Spirit in leading my life.
When I follow my inner guidance, my life is fun, safe and easy.
When I allow the external influences of expectation, authority, circumstance and personality choices to lead I often experience glitches on my path. While I was computer phobic in 1998, I soon overcame my resistance and began to totally enjoy the sharing of what I received every morning. It has been part of my daily practice now for over five years.

I send emails to well over 700 people directly and to many thousands with all those who send to their own lists. Those I send to have known Robert and me in many capacities for up to 25 years (primarily as teachers, mentors, coaches, relationship models, healing facilitators and motivational speakers.) You may feel as though you know us intimately, because we are rather transparent in our relationships. Ie. We live what we teach or else we don’t teach. We also learn from those we teach and are always learning.

It was Robert’s 56th Birthday on May 18. For the last almost two years Robert has been on an active healing journey, on long term disability, with what appears to be a degenerative neurological disease, not allowing him to work at his former job, financial planner and consultant. (1978-1985 and again 1998-2002) His role as spiritual teacher and minister, holistic health consultant and healing facilitator and motivational speaker (1989-1998) has been mostly on hold with his inner work and self-healing focus. I share rather personally to give people updates, basically encouraging non-worry and trust in his healing process. I don’t mean to be obtuse. My intention is always to be open and disclosive. No hidden messages here. I share what I know and think and feel freely and without guile.

The daily Loving Reminders are usually spiritual guidance which comes to me as I place my fingers on the keys.
Sometimes, they are for you, sometimes for our world and always for me.
I receive them personally as gentle reminders and integrate them into my life.
Everything we receive and everything we share with others is for always us first.
Sometimes as with all things, there may have been elements of my ego’s misperceptions or fears.
There may be a response to a question I have asked, something misunderstood.
Often there has been a question made to me which I am called to listen for a higher answer.
Sometimes they simply communicate what I know and am living as my spiritual journey.
In all cases I would have you look at them as you would anything.
Look for resonance and remember what you value.
When you feel dissonance with what is your Truth, simply lay them aside.
Look for insights and let them be noted. Listen for Truth and let it be exalted.

Special notes in response to some concerns.
In the last three months there have been transmission issues with MSN.com and AOL.com and maybe others. Spam blockers have not let through my emails sometimes, because I mail to lists of ( now less than 100 people each list) people. Aol.com seems to have something going on where Comcast (my server) cannot be sent to aol.com folks. There has been intermittent interruption. I can intuit the lack of reception, but often those not receiving think I am not sending. The emails get through intermittently to some and just stop totally for others. Usually there is no way to tell what is happening. I have set up a web site with Robert’s help to accommodate those not receiving, but it is not as personal. Some use my loving reminders as their substitute for therapy, spiritual counseling, personal growth workshops and as a daily reminder. They may feel abandoned or bereft when they do not receive from me. Most take them like a daily inspirational vitamin. I trust that Spirit directs how they shall be used and who and when people respond.

People have communicated they withhold their responses to me, because they believe I am too busy and inundated with email.
This occasionally happens, but more often, people are respectful of my time and energy.
I do read and value every note that comes to me. I respond by email if and when I am called.
I always respond with a loving smile, and extension of my respect and gratitude.
I love you and welcome your caring and sharing always.
Betty Lue