Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Choose Again 

75% of 2003 is now gone.  
How are you doing on living this year as you imagined?  
How are you doing on accomplishing any goals you had for yourself?  
How are you doing on spending time, money and energy only on what really matters to you?  
How are you doing on experiencing happiness, health and freedom?  

Every year is an opportunity to set forth in the direction you value.  
Every day is a chance to give your life meaning and purpose.  
Every moment is a time to forgive and erase the past.
Choose again for the way you prefer to relate and experience life the High Way, the Loving Way, the sacred way.  

You are at the helm of your own life.  Are you letting Love be the navigator?  Or is fear setting the course?  
Each of us can easily follow in the way of the masses, the media and our history, or….
Each one of us has the opportunity to create a new future, by making each moment precious and new and directed only by our Highest Vision for ourselves and others.  We can choose to make today good, and whole and beautiful by consciously choosing for the path of love, respect, listening, forgiving and gratitude.

Forgive your mistakes and others.  Let them not lead your direction.  
Release your defensiveness and withholding Love.  Let yourself love no matter what.  
Undo the ways you have been following the crowd.  Choose to lead by listening within to Spirit.  
Dare to step out in faith, in hope and in Love.

Loving you,  
Betty Lue

Monday, September 29, 2003

Love Makes Every One Happy 

Happiness heals. When the heart is filled with joy, everyone is healthier.
Children who are loved are loving. Adults who are loving are loved.
Oh! If we all could give up our fearful habits of withholding love and
waiting to be loved. Withholding Love shuts us down. Withholding Love
limits our joy, our freedom, our trust and our peace of mind.

Loving is fun, safe and easy.
Loving is the way to fly.
Loving begets more loving.
The world is better for our having loved.
Let us love everyone as much as they are willing to receive.
And when encouraged to love more by those little ones who want us to open
our hearts wide, why not give it all?

Loving is just plain Good for the soul!!
Betty Lue

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Autumn Changes 

Autumn is a time of paradox and seeming duality for most people.  There is the mix of emotions- sorrow and appreciation.  There is letting go and gathering in.  There is the warmth of the hearth and the chill in the air.  There is the harvesting of this year’s abundance and conserving for winter scarcity.  Whether in the cycles and seasons of nature or the spiritual recognition of how life flows, we all can feel this is a significant time to learn to let go and love, trust and be free, enjoy and release.

How your being responds depends on your habits of mind, your forgiveness of past incompletion, your relationship with what is Source in your life.  As you release the people, projects and memories to hospice the dying of what is passing away, there is opportunity to savor what has been, to truly digest the value of the many gifts of life.  We all need to fully receive what has been given in order to let go without regret.  Take time to really appreciate the seasons in your life, the relationships which have so richly blessed you and the experiences which have filled you with wisdom and love.  Spend your days warming yourself with tea, a fire in your fireplace or a warm shower or bath when there is chill in the air.  Be kind and gentle, compassionate and understanding, with yourself during times of transition and change.  

Life is moving us all to the next level of consciousness, connection and communication with All That Is.  Resisting, fearing or allowing the changes in our lives to hurt us, shut us down or make decisions to stop living, loving, fully giving and expressing ourselves is like killing a rich part of who we are.  There is no need to stop, growing, risking, creating and enjoying just because there are times of letting go.  Trust in the way of nature.  Watch the trees , the birds and the bees.  Conserve in times of scarcity.  Extend and give in times of plenty.  Enjoy it all, for it is all Good.

Blessing you and me and All,
Betty Lue

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Denial is Healing 

It is our thoughts of darkness that keep us in the dark.  It is our thoughts of lack that keep us feeling lacking.  It is our thoughts of disease, disaster and distrust that continue our feelings of unpeace, impending doom and anxiety about the future.  Wherever we look, we will find.  Wherever we focus, we will attract.  Wherever we attend, we will strengthen.  
And when our focus, our looking and attention are split, we experience a split result.  

“Denial is a powerful protective device.  
We can and should deny error can harm us.” (From a Course in Miracles.)

Deny the faulty thinking.  
Deny the limiting beliefs.  
Deny you are alone.  
Deny there is not enough.
Deny you are unable to correct all errors of the mind.  
Deny you cannot be happy.  
Deny whatever hurts you and seems to make you unhappy, afraid and discontent.

I am One with God.  
I am whole and complete.  
I am at peace.  
I am alone in nothing.  
I am happy and free.  
I am in a body which serves me perfectly.  
I always have enough for my right use.
I love as God loves, unconditionally and with joy.  
I share what I have  and receive abundantly what I need.  
I contribute to the Good I believe in.  
I have what I want and appreciate what I have.  
I am created in Love by Love for the purpose of Loving.  This is enough.  This is my gift to my Self and my world.

Every word I write is a gift of Love to you, to me and to God, Betty Lue

As I sit and listen to Spirit, I receive these messages for Me and for You.
If they have value for you, please accept them with my Love.
If they have no value for you, gently lay them aside.
Spend no energy on trying to understand or making them wrong.
Simply delete, forgive and let go.

Life is meant to flow easily and gently.
Each one of us receiving exactly what we need, when we need it.
Trust that the Good you seek is there before you.
Open your heart and mind and receive from the Source,
The Creator loves you always and all ways.
And so do I.
Betty Lue

Friday, September 26, 2003

Mistakes Can Be Healing 

I make mistakes.  I learn from them.
I make mistakes.  I forgive them.  
I make mistakes.  I enjoy them.  
I make mistakes.  I heal with them.

Sometimes at 4 or 5AM I press the send button before I have made sure the list is BCC, meaning no one can see who I am sending to.  ( I now send to five or six lists each morning.) Some of you have been concerned, scared and angry, because you do not want the world to get your email address.  I totally apologize and appreciate your concerns and truly do my best.!
But I sometimes make mistakes when I am bleary eyed at that early hour or in a hurry to leave for Gia's house, a 30 minute drive from my home, when her Papa leaves for work.  

When I try too hard to do my life perfectly, I contract my energy and my love.  
When I feel guilty, because I have hurt or offended someone, I separate myself from Spirit.  
When I see myself as bad or wrong, I withhold my Love or quit sharing the gifts I am given.
When I judge your mistakes and take offense, I shut down my ability to be conscious and present.
Mostly I listen learn and immediately forgive myself.  Sometimes I am called to apologize and make ammends.

Mistakes are an opportunity to heal our past.  
Mistakes are a recreation of a past experience which upset or confused us.  
Mistakes are a place of needed healing.  When seen rightly, mistakes are a call to forgive.  
Mistakes are a place to practice looking for the blessing and the gift.
Mistakes are a chance to heal our fall  from grace, our separation from God and the Goodness we are.  
Mistakes are useful and valuable tools to return to Love.  
Our senses and human personality looks for what is right and what is wrong, what is good and bad,  better or worse.  

Choice seems to be the way we have control over our own destiny and self judgment.  
I choose to Love no matter what.  
I choose to trust All is well.  
I choose to learn from everything and everyone.  
I choose to be vigilant only for God, rather than mistakes.
I choose to listen, listen, listen within.  
I choose to know not who I am or why I am here,  except when I can hear loud and clear, that LOVE is my reason for being.
I am Love and so are You.  In this there is no mistake and not other choice.  
No matter what are the externals of our lives, no matter what the apparency, no matter how one behaves, we each and All are created by Love, as Love, for the purpose of Loving.  
Every relationship is a lesson in Love.
Every experience is an opportunity to remember.
Every choice is to celebrate the Love We Are and the Love We Share.  

I love you and You love me.  
We are truly One family.  
This is your gift to me and to Thee.

Learning together,  
Betty Lue

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Special Assignments are Healing! 

Yesterday I was called to visit someone whom I had not met.  She is a beautiful soul, 90 years young, bed-ridden and totally dependent on the hospice program, the help of neighbors and a few hours from care-givers and home health workers each day.  She is alone and dependent on God much of her day and prefers the solitude.  She only see sshadows and cannot read or see faces.  Her limited hearing causes her to mis-hear often on the phone and in some conversation.  She has asked me to teach her to meditate again. She wants to be of help and of value to others. What she really wants is to strengthen her relationship with God, what she calls “My All in All.”  What she seeks to know is that she can rest in peace and know she is loved and valued for being.  What she really wants it to feel safe and healed and whole.  I join with her in remembering the Truth.

This gift of Love smiles brightly at me when we speak of Spirit.  She hears my words crystal clear.  We hold hands, as though we were lovers who might not ever see one another again.  And when we talk, we listen and ponder quietly what the other has said.  She has no one to talk to of the things of Spirit, of forgiveness and making her transition.  With our first meditation and prayer she heard clearly she was to look at the past and see it differently.  

What a Joy!  Thank you, Spirit, for the beginning of a soulful,  conscious,  healing and deeply loving relationship.  
Falling in Love is this!  
Just this makes life worthwhile.  
Just this is why I have come.  
Just this is enough.
Just this is the way home.  
While this relationship seems special in the telling.  This One is the representative of every One I speak to, everyone I counsel and coach, everyone I think of and who thinks of me.  

EveryOne is the Holy One, the Beloved.  Love each One as though they are the only One, for in that moment, there is no other.  
Loving You as the Holy One you are,  Betty Lue

This week we begin our weekly Celebration of Spirit from 7-8PM on Fridays at Reunion Center in Pleasant Hill.
Tuning In, a time of Inner Listening, will be offered in the hour  after the gathering.  Plan on joining us.  
No cost to you except remembering the Love You Are.  Contributions received with gratitude.

We will be travelling to Kalamazoo, MI 10/9, to Dyer, In 10/12 and to Asheville, NC and Lincolnton, NC 10/14.  
Home again on 10/20.  We are in our Pleasant Hill office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and some Sundays.
Yes, we are in Petaluma with our granddaughter every morning M-F, usually from 4:45AM until 9AM.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Birthdays are Healing 

Whatever excuse families use to come together in love, appreciation and celebration is healing.

Today is Gia’s fifth birthday.  She is a joy and love bringer.  She embraces everyone who is willing with her joy, gentleness and love.   Beautiful both inside and out, she bubbles with enthusiasm, authenticity and freedom of expression.  Because she is so naturally giving, people are drawn to her and enjoy her presence.  She is a child, exploring the world, the perceived limits of how much can I have, how long can I stay up, how much are you willing to stay and play with me.  This is a very real and natural learning experience to gain knowledge of the limits we adults and  the world set.  Not always happy about the results, but always gaining in knowledge and choice, she is mastering this world of limits. She is clearly demonstrating for all of us how to stay in love no matter what.  Gia is healing.  The natural exploration and learning of every child is healing.  

When we are free to join in love with everyone, we are healing.  When we fully appreciate one another, we are healing.  When we celebrate each other’s joys, we are healing.  Use any and every excuse to heal…yourself and your world.

What is healing?  What needs to be healed?
Healing is forgiving and releasing our ful experience and expression of wholeness and holiness.  Healing is remembering to live from our Essence, the Love We Are.  What needs to be healed are our false perceptions and limiting beliefs about ourselves,  our fellow human beings and our world.

In healing Love, Betty Lue

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Beginning the Day 

How we begin our Day makes a difference in how we live and give, teach and learn, heal and be healed.  As I awaken at 3:15 AM, I look forward to what is to be.  I get out of bed with an expression of my love for life, for being, for giving, for trusting what is to be.  Some thoughts begin to flow about who I am to see or be with.  I am sending mental messages forth to those who will join with me.  I begin to shape the relationship we share.  As I brush my teeth, shower and put on makeup and dry my hair, I appreciate myself.  I often take a look to see how I am doing with my own self-care.  Am I fully present?  Am I happy?  Am I radiating light and beauty?  Am I wholly loving me, the most precious gift I have?   As I get ready for the day, I am asking what I am to learn, to remember, to share with you and those who read my words and come to be with me for counsel or coaching.  I am present with what Is.  I  am grateful for what is given.  I am thankful for all I have and give.  I am trusting about the day.  I am remembering what is highest and best.

Where I may have a question, a doubt, a concern or negative thought, I notice and forgive myself.  
I ask for healing, clarity and remembering the high Truth.  
I seek to use my mind to be happy and whole, rather than justify my negative or limited thinking.  
I reach up to find a vision and a voice that would serve what I seek…peace in me and peace in you.  
I nourish and nurture myself with Good, with wholeness, with gratitude.
I begin my day with a healthy spiritual breakfast.

How you begin makes a difference in the outcome.  Begin well.
Betty Lue

Monday, September 22, 2003

Coming Home is Healing 

After a wonderful eleven day odyssey we have returned home. Within an hour we are settled, unpacked, take a swim and settle down for a few minutes of quiet time before bed.  This is coming home for us.  Putting our things in order, getting ready for the next day, clearing away the day’s travels and relaxing in gratitude.  While it seems that this was special upon returning from a trip, it was exactly what we do when we settle into a hotel room, or a camp site or s out friends’ guest room.  We make ourselves “at home” wherever we are.  We clear away what has been with gratitude and make room for the next day.  We relax and get ready to rest in Love.

Everyday is an opportunity to come home.  
Every place is the opportunity to be at home.  
There is no place that cannot become “home.”

“Home is where the heart is.”  
Be in love as you experience gratitude and bless what is given to you in each moment.
You will be “at home”.

At home with You,  
Betty Lue

Robert will continue to put these daily Loving Reminders on our web site: lovingreminders.org  Am I will continue to send them to you on email as long as you wish.
When we travel our of town, they will be put on our web site.

I want to thank all of you along the way for your whole-hearted friendship, support, love, questions and enthusiasm.  You are a gift.  I receive your gifts with profound gratitude.

You are the wind beneath my wings.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Contribution Is Healing 

Giving tribute heals our Spirits, as well as our minds and our bodies. The human Spirit is here to give. “Life is for giving and You are the Gift.” Betty Lue

We are each one of us here to give to ourselves, to others, to our world and to the Force that Created us. We are here to contribute our very Best. We are here to give and to keep on giving. For all that flows through us is an affirmation of Us. What we give, we receive as we give it. When we are giving, we experience the abundant and limitless flow of all that is needed. When we give, we tap into the wellspring of the Good, the Beautiful and the Holy. When we give, we recognize we are giving to ourselves. When we give, we can see our worth and value our lives. When we give, we enjoy a better world, better relationships,a better inner perspective and world view. When we give, we have life purpose and meaning. When we give, we feel inter-connected.
Giving works. Giving heals.

As we accumulate rather than flow what we have, our energy becomes distracted by protection of what we have gained and earned and covet still. When we freely give All, we have All that is good and holy, we experience the prosperity of having more to give. Contribution flows our energy. Contribution focuses on what we choose to expand in our life. Contribution gives us a reason for being. Contribution does honor to us and serves the greater Good. Contribution heals our Spirit and gives us Joy.

Contribution heals our minds and gives us focus.
Contribution heals our bodies and gives us Love.

In loving contribution to All That Is,
Betty Lue

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Integration of Heart and Mind 

To heal the heart and mind is to marry them with respect and love. Are able to listen to your mind and your heart? Are you willing to accept the power of both? Can you see the value of each in the co-creation of your whole life experience? If you follow your mind and you feel nothing of joy, you are not whole. If you follow your heart, but are confused and absent to the experience, you are left empty.

To create your experience of wholeness, goodness and beauty requires the union of mind and heart. The work of the mind is to intend and attend. The work of the heart is to forgive and extend love.

To heal is to create an intention of wholeness, an inner picture of your whole and Holy Self. When we have given ourselves a clear vision or inner experience, we must attend or pay attention to that experience. To fully experience healing and wholeness, we must focus on wholeness, seeing nothing else. Where we intend, we begin to create. Where we attend, we place our energy. This is the healing work of the mind. Practice strengthens our ability to clarify our intention and hold the vision with our attention.

To heal is to forgive all errors in the mind and to love our whole and Holy Self with all our heart and all our mind. Forgiveness is the key to healing, happiness and wholeness. Without the willingness to let go of everything except that which we choose to have and be, we will limit our intention. To forgive is to erase with love. To forgive is to gently lay aside what no longer serves. To forgive is to release that which is weakening, distracting or limiting to our being. To forgive is to see only that which we seek to experience. To release all that no longer exists and be here now with our full intention for healing and total attention on wholeness is to allow the heart to heal. The heart is free to love. The heart is free to trust in the healing intention. The heart opens to freedom and trust. The heart energizes and inspires the healing.

Come to healing with your intention and attention.
Come to healing with forgiveness and love.
Come to healing with your willingness to remember your intrinsic Holiness.
Come to healing with your gratitude that you are whole.

Blessing us all,
Betty Lue

Friday, September 19, 2003

Our Healing Right  

Healing Is Our Right and Heritage

We came to heal ourselves and our world. As we do our healing work, we are transformed. As we do our healing work, we heal our perceptions of others. As we do our healing work, we see the world with new vision. Healing is our work, our birthright and our heritage. It is this for which we came and this for which we truly live in Spirit and in joy.

When we are doing the work of healing our minds, we find our inner joy. When we are doing the work of forgiving, trusting, appreciating, creating, joining, enjoying and pleasing the Goodness in us, we find that we are changed within. When we are transformed in this profound way by healing and changing our minds, we perceive our place in the world and our relationship with others in a new way.

Rather than seeing ourselves as separate and alone, we see ourselves as unified and all One. We recognize the interrelationship with all life. We know there are both material and subtle energies. We acknowledge the observable and the mysterious, the unseen. We own and embody the power of our thoughts, as well as our words and our activities. We see ourselves both as teachers and learners with this universe. We acknowledge that we are creating our experience through the filters of our beliefs, judgments and our conscious choice. We see ourselves as co-creators with the consciousness of intention, attention and choice.

This is a powerful time. Those of us who are awakening to our own conscious responsibility to the planet are among the few who are participating in the evolution of all life. We know we are choosing for the Good of the Whole.

This is the time. We are the ones.
Let it be given to the highest Good for all.
The blessings already are. They are encoded deep within each one of us. Find your way as you listen within to the calling of your heart.

Betty Lue

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Collaboration is Healing 

We are a the collaborative conference of Association of Global New Thought (my fourth year) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This is the first year of coming together to co-create a better world. As the world undoes itself, there is a call to hospice the dying of what no longer works. At the same time, there is a call to mid-wife what is birthing itself in our consciousness. Within each one of us human beings, there is the same disintegration an disintegration at a higher level of wholeness.

Now is the time for all of us to join together with the flow of what is, to support the process, to forgive the past, to heal ourselves from within, to vision the future, to build respectful community and enjoy the journey. All of this and more is happening simultaneously. We are in the midst of evolutionary change, both within our own lives as well as within the global community.

Join with me in consciousness and the fullness of faith that we not only can do it, but that we are doing it right now with Love as our Teacher and our guide.

Bless you and me and the WE that We Are.

Betty Lue

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

What Leads Your Life? 

The loudest voice, the greatest pleasure, the current Love, the most popular fad, all call to lead our lives.
We can easily conform to the mass consciousness and allow what is currently in vogue to be our predominant thought and activity. It is common to let the squeaky wheel or current problem consume our thinking. We may allow the person in our family who is most vocal or emotional to govern our choices. We may prefer to admire someone and copy their life choices or defer to their leadership.

Who is author of your life? Who is the authority? How do you make your choices? What is of value to you? How do you prefer to live? What are you allowing to lead your mind, your words and your activities? When in doubt where do you go for clarity? Do you choose to listen to the highest voice or the loudest voice?

When you are true to your own values and priorities, you will be at pace and happy with yourself. When you are at peace and content, you can heal yourself. Principle-centered choices or values-centered living will be a clear message for those around you to listen to their own inner calling. Often we conform to the majority in order to keep the peace. Often we defer to the strongest voice or most popular one, rather than honor the Truth within.

Be clear about what is most important to you.
Is it peace within yourself or conformity with others?
Is it caring for your families needs or inspiring other’s to live their potential? Is it waiting for others to choose or listening within and choosing first? Is it honoring what society believes and honoring what is true in your heart?

Recognizing the Good that is Author of my life,

Betty Lue

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Trusting is Healing 

As I listen to my inner guidance this glorious day, this is what I hear. I share it freely with you as a loving reminder and invite you to listen within You.

“You need do nothing except give of yourself to those who are called to you. Who is your guru? The guru lies within you. Do you need an externalization of what is true in everyone? Do you need to know with your senses that the face of God is the One you see when you look in the mirror of your life. Everywhere is a mirror. Everyone is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. You need judge nothing, when you recognize that all you see in all humanity is the gift of Love and the call for Love. Each One and every One represent the only One, the Holy Son of God. Humanity is often forgetting, sometimes ignoring, self-denying and neglectful, and even hurtful. It hurts to forget and neglect one’s whole and Holy Self. It causes guilt to recognize how separate One has become from our Loving Essence. The calling of all hearts is to Love and be Loved in return. Whether seeking sexual gratification, approval and appreciation, money remuneration and reward, power and prestige or fame and fortune, all seeking is for Love. All seeking is for the opportunity to trust and be free in our choice and self-expression.

“To be as a child” is to return to the innocence and naturalness of a child. “To be as a child” is enjoy a life of wonder, curiosity and play. “To be as a child” is to totally trust in the God of Love within all things “To be as a child” is to experience our lives as fun, safe and easy.

Fun = to fully enjoy.
Safe = no harm to anyone.
Easy = in harmony with all that is.

Trusting totally, as I am willing to “be as a child”,

Betty Lue

Monday, September 15, 2003

Friends Are Healing 

When I travel to new places to share loving reminders, I make new friends. When there is the opportunity to give what I have, I am giving to myself and my new friends. When I allow myself to express the Highest Truth I know, I am reminding my self and my friends. When I teach what I am learning, I am teaching myself and my friends. Every new friend is an invitation to be a friend to myself. I enjoy making new friends and celebrate continuing the friendships I have made.

How often do we see others as separate from ourselves? How often to we look for differences? How often are we conditioned to begin with caution and then build trust over time. How much do we believe the world is an unsafe place in which we must be careful in how we express ourselves? How do we limit our relationships based on past experiences? How we judge the past and fear the future determines how easily we make and keep our friendships.

Every relationship is a lesson is a lesson in love. Every relationship is an opportunity to heal. Every relationship is a gift to be given and received. Every relationship is a choice to love and be loved or to fear and be feared. Every relationship is a miracle waiting to be noticed and appreciated. Every relationship is our relationship with some aspect of ourselves.

Give yourself to love and love will give to you.
Forgive the past and enjoy the present. The future will be a blessing. Give the best you have and you will experience the best in you. Be grateful for each opportunity to heal fear and separation, distrust and withheld love in you. Allow each new friendship, every relationship, to be the gift that it is. Be free to love. Trust in the healing. Live fully by giving freely of the Highest Truth you know. The world will be blessed by your Being.

Blessed by you as I share my blessings,
Betty Lue

PS My email relationships are powerful. I feel your love. I receive your trust. I am blessed by the community of love that gathers to receive and practice Loving Reminders. You are a gift to me.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Healing Our Perception of Success 

Everyone is successful in life. Everyone is experiencing we imagine for ourselves. Often subconsciously we have chosen a life of failure, illness, financial stress, relationship loss and even suffering. (Sometimes these choices are made before we are conscious. Sometimes they are made by our ancestors. Sometimes they are made by our guilt.) Whatever we expect is what we get. We help ourselves to a healthy dose of what we believe is our lot in life. There are many influences in what we believe, expect, fear, avoid, choose and commit to.
Sometimes we change our minds along the way and notice a change in external circumstances. When I take my mind off a problem, the problem abates or disappears, until I refocus on its existence.

We are all successful in the game of life, experiencing what we imagine will be our due. If we stop evaluating the right/wrong, good or bad, better or worse of our experience, we can let go and move on to another choice easily and quickly. Surprises come when we have ignored or failed to notice our split focus, the fears, the preponderance of self sabotage, the attention to potential error, defending against what might happen, even ignoring what we are focused on daily. What we experience is a product of all this and more. The simple man can see the results of his thinking simplistically. The more complicated our thoughts, the more the out-picturing is multi-faceted and difficult to understand.

Our judgment on our experience gets us stuck in more of the same. Our forgiveness of our judgments and seeing our life with non-judgment and gratitude, learning from everything, opens the way to change our minds, our choices and our experience. Life is merely an experimental laboratory in which we can play by trial and error at creating, manifesting, and appreciating, or victimizing, losing, and judging our experiments and their results. To judge and feel guilty provides limited feedback and repetition. To observe and learn provides unlimited feedback and freedom to choose again.

The process of living is always successful. Whether we experience success in life is solely determined by our willingness to learn and benefit from all things.

Learning from everything everyday, I am at choice.

Betty Lue

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Listen and Follow 

When I listen and follow I am perfectly guided.  
When I listen and follow, I know Who I Am.
When I listen and follow, I know where I belong..  
When I listen and follow, my heart sings with joy.
When I listen and follow, I live in gratitude.  
When I listen and follow, I know I am never alone.  
When  I listen and follow, I trust what I do and say.  
When I listen and follow I know all things work together for Good and for God.  
When I listen and follow,  I am at home.

I am listening with and following my inner direction.   
The more I listen and follow, the more I hear .  
The more I trust what I hear, the more clear I am directed.  
The more clear I am directed, the more my life is a holy adventure.  
Listen and follow and enjoy the everyday miracles, Love brings.  
Loving you,  Betty Lue

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Transforming Fear Into Faith 

We will be offering healing consultations and success coaching in Ojai, San Diego, and Palm Springs from Sept. 11-21.  *****You can receive my Daily Loving Reminders at our new web site:  lovingreminders.org ******

The new Relationship Reminders books (teal green cover) are ready and will be mailed to you when we return, so order now by email or phone.  (Healing Reminders will be available in early 2004.)
Know you can reach us for check-in,  phone appointments or program registration at #800-919-2392.

We go wherever we are called by Spirit.  
We trust in Divine Provision through you and all we do.  
We share the H8ighest Truth we know.  
We are free to give and receive, teach and learn, love and be loved in every relationship.  
This is our purpose. This is our function.  This is our Life.
In God we trust.  
Betty Lue and Robert

September 10, 2003 Loving Reminders

Transforming Fear Into Faith

“Scars into Stars”, “ Fear into Faith”, "Tragedy into Team-Building", "Tears into Healing".  Learning to use the experiences of life to heal ourselves and others is the positive and creative use of our mind.  We can sit in a pile of poop and stink forever, but only when we use the experience for fertilizer, can we find healing and inner peace.  

Often mass consciousness sinks into commiserating with one another, listening to ‘doom and gloom’ stories and affirming “how bad it is”.   The endless repetition of war stories may serve to remind us of the heroism of ourselves and others, but it does little to lift us out of fear and depression, negativity and defensiveness.  As long as we spend our time, energy and money on what has gone wrong in our past, we will continue to defend against the faceless evil, and perpetuate it, even in our own memory.  When we can forgive the past, use the experience for our wakeup call and become active in creating a more blessed future, we will use our time, talents and resources to create more good, more healing and more faith-building communities.  

All of us experience difficulty and challenge in our lives.  Some seems tragic and unfair.  Some seems senseless and wrong.  Whatever the circumstances, it is up to us how the experience is used.  I prefer to live in hope and faith, gratitude and love.  I prefer to be forward-moving rather than backward-fearing.  What I judge in my past, I will fear in my future.  What I forgive in my past, I can face in my future.  Looking forward to each day with hope and faith, yields highly creative, healthy, compassionate relationships and projects.  Looking fearfully on each day with depression and hopelessness yields apathy, negativity and the isolation of more judgment and fear.

Those who can forgive the mistakes of past are invited to create a new future. Those who judge the past and continue to resent the mistakes of themselves and other are doomed to repeat it ( if only in their memory and story-telling).

Turning pain into possibility, and mistakes into opportunities,
Betty Lue
Meet us in San Diego and Palm Springs for great programs and plenty of LOVE!

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Healing Is Envisioning a New Way of Being 

When we get stuck  we start to lose life energy and die.   When a job, community or relationship is disempowering, destructive or discouraging, we may lose our will to live, to create, to learn, to contribute.  When the light goes out, we exist in darkness.  When Spirit seems absent, we run low on inspiration.  Our world is interactive and its health depends on all of us.  

When you are sitting in a self made prision  or peurgatory and choosing to decay for lack of use and value,  you are adding to the depression and lack of hope.  When you are choose to take the risk to release yourself, to move forward into an inspired and uplifting future you are giving hope, encouragement and healing to yourself and to your world.  When you seek for comfort rather than challenge, you are inviting entropy and the lose of interest to learn and grow.  When you ask others to define you, rather than refining your higher self and inherent gifts, you are encouraging the worldly limitations and comparative beliefs.

Look at your life.
Are you hopeful?
Do you seek to learn everyday?  
Are you inviting change rather than defending against new possibilities?  
Are you stuck in the past?
Are you creating new opportunities?  
Are you welcoming new relationships?  
Are you becoming more of what you want your future to be, rather than hiding away from what you fear the future might be?
Are you part of the solution or have you gotten lost in apathy about the problems?
Are you stressing or inspired by life’s invitation to heal and transform your way of thinking, your lifestyle and your relationships?
Are you willing to simplify?
Are you willing to forgive and let go the past?
Are you enjoying each day fully?
Are you sharing your joy freely?
Are you inspired and inspiring?

Miracle happen when we share our hope, our faith and our love.  May miracle of healing happen today for you.
Loving you,  Betty Lue

Monday, September 08, 2003

What Is Healing For You? 

Does it make your heart sing?
Does it bring peace to your mind?
Does it open you to forgive the past?
Does it allow your to feel free?
Does it energize your body?
Does it increase your creative Spirit?
Does it encourage you to share with others?
Does it expand your willingness to love?
Does it promote positive feelings?
Does it support you loving you?
Does it add value to your everyday life?
Does it connect you with a Higher Power?
Does it fill you with appreciation and gratitude?

Everything in life could be a healing ingredient in your daily meal.  
You choose the ingredients which add up to a healing supper.  
You choose to live in a place  which adds life to your years.  
You choose to respond to others in ways which invite inner peace.  
You choose to express thoughts and feelings which bless you.  
You choose to spend your energy on what has heart and meaning for you.  
You choose to allow your heartfelt passion to lead your decisions.

Your choices can be healing or destructive.
You are the chooser.  
Choose wisely and well.

Loving you to wholeness,
Betty Lue

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Inner Listening Is Healing 

Taking time to listen to the Voice within you provides the Love, encouragement and Peace needed to calm the turmoil and stress of the outer world.  Learning how to quiet the surface mind and receive the messages of the Spiritual Mind can heal whatever needs may be present.

There are some requirements for getting in touch with your own inner Voice, the voice of Spirit within you.  This is not channeling or receiving messages from the other side, but rather a deeper listening to the Voice of God, the Holy Spirit, that guides and directs us in our everyday life.

To develop this listening within requires willingness and commitment.   Set aside time  daily for inner listening.  The more you  develop the habit of getting quiet and making room in your own activities and thinking, the more your ego will suspend interference.  Be  appreciative and loving of yourself when you listen, knowing that Divine Good is your birthright, and no judgment you may have held of yourself will interfere.  Know you are loved always.  Be willing to write down what you hear or feel or see within, so that you can remember what is given.  Often the ego will erase immediately the inspiration that comes to you.  You may doubt, fear, misinterpret, or just get busy and discard what is precious and of everlasting value.  Be patient with the process. After years of listening to outside voices, it may require a little practice to pay attention to that singular still small Voice within that is always loving, always knowing, always healing You.

Take time to tune in to the spiritual station of unconditional Love within. Listening within is healing.

Loving You,  Betty Lue
Contact me if you would like more help listening within.

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Intimacy Is Healing 

When we allow ourselves to be seen and known and loved, we are healed.  It may be rare for an individual to feel safe enough to reveal their deepest thoughts and feeling.  It may be unusual to disclose all secret desires and fears.  It may be  only in special circumstances that we share our mistakes and “sins” as well as our achievements and our special gifts.  

Whenever we find that special place or person in which to be totally seen, we are opening to true intimacy, “in-to-me-see”.  The physical intimacy we often seek is the beginning of allowing ourselves to seen and known by another.  The act of physically removing ones clothing to reveal the body is only the first step to truly being “known”.  

Healing comes from being known and loved.  
Healing comes from feeling safe with all our thoughts and feelings.  
Healing comes from opening ourselves to be loved unconditionally.  
Healing comes from being at peace with the fullness of our being.  
Healing comes from exposing our weakness and our failings.  
Healing comes from being at peace with who we are.  
Healing comes from knowing that we are loved no matter what.    

Healing is what we seek in true intimacy.  Whether having a cup of tea with our grandma, lying in bed with our partner, talking to God while taking a walk in the woods or writing in our journal and receiving the comfort of our own compassion, healing can come when we are truly seen, known and loved.  

Find someone with whom you feel safe to reveal your whole self and you will be healed.
Betty Lue

Friday, September 05, 2003

Rest is Healing 

Taking a break from everyday activities is healing.  
Remembering to renew in mind, body and Spirit is a key to whole life health.

Rest comes from remembering to love.  When we are in worry, doubt, anger, pain or fear, we cannot rest.  
Forgiveness of all things, situations and relationships will erase the gray clouds of misunderstanding, conflict, confusion and stress.  To rest is to release all that interferes with total and complete peace.  
When you are called to rest, answer with a choice to relax, release and let go.  
Lay aside the urgency and complexity of life.  Be at home within your own sanctuary of peace.
If you have no resting place, create one today, whether the bedroom, sitting in your car in a park, on the golf course, a beautiful place in your yard or even in a imaginary place of peace in your mind.

Peace of mind generates healing.  
Peace of mind extends peace to others.
Peace of mind opens to divine inspiration.  
Peace of mind is creative and expansive.  
Peace of mind invites flow of energy.  
Peace of mind offers happiness and ease.  

Rest in Love and insure your rest by loving.  
Love is the answer.  
Betty Lue

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Storms Can Heal 

This morning we had a powerful thunder and lightening storm here in Northern California…very unusual for any rain from May to October, let alone to have thunder and lightening accompany its coming.  Weather often surprises us.

Surprises can frighten or delight.  Unexpected events can confuse us or wake us up.  Eruptions can be seen as release of pent up energy or destructive outbursts.  How we perceive and translate the surprising event determines how we respond.  If we believe all things work together for Good, we will look for the intrinsic Good.  If we believe that we must defend against the unexpected, we will fear, avoid and protect ourselves.

Storms delight me.  I watch the sky.  I count to see how far away the lightening has struck.  I enjoy the novelty.  I appreciate the sounds, sights and smells of a thunder storm.  While I do not fully understand the scientific explanation, I fully appreciate the beauty and power of nature.  The same is true with emotional storms…I rarely understand the underlying cause, but always appreciate the power and intention for release of withheld energy and the underlying desire for return to balance.  When we are holding back on our communication, withholding expressions of love, not expressing our creativity, doubting our own value, there is a build up of life energy, which seeks to flow to be released.  When the dam is closed, life energy is withheld and we are frustrated.  The release is often powerful, confusing, and even frightening to both observer and participants.  The work is to let our storms of anger be wakeup calls.  They remind us not to withhold what is calling to be expressed.  They remind us to release our self condemnation.  They teach us to let go and let love flow.  They open the possibility that we all can choose to be free and naturally expressive.

Storms are healthy reminders of what needs to be expressed in you and in me.

Loving you mightily,
Betty Lue

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Giving is Healing 

When we are not feeling happy, healthy and prosperous, our tendency is to try to get happy, get healthy and get money.  In our efforts to “get”, we are  focused on what we appear to need and thus affirm our lack.  While it seems paradoxical to the ego, it is imperative that we “give” in order to affirm what we have and strengthen it within ourselves.  In order to get the flow of our inner pump flowing to receive from the infinite and abundant source, we must prime the pump by giving.

No matter what our condition, we can give.  Give a smile, a prayer, a note of gratitude.  Share your meal with someone or the  even the birds while picnicking.  Share your gratitude and praise aloud with nature.  Give away anything you no longer need or wear or use.  Take magazines or books to a community center or nursing home.   Teach someone how to do what you do well, cooking, reading, drawing, singing, playing a game or a card trick.  Whatever you do, give.  

Stop telling the story of how you don’t have anything to give.  
Stop dwelling on how miserable or lacking or limited you are.  
Stop focusing on how you are going to get what you need.  
Open up your giving, loving, helpful self and watch what happens both inside and outside when you share what you have.
What you have increases and what you can share expands.  

When we are all giving freely, there will be no lack.  
This world was created abundant.  
It is only our false perceptions, attitude and behavior that have generated the apparent lack.
Heal yourself and your world by giving.

Loving you, as I give the gift of my Self,
Betty Lue

Don't forget classes begin this week on Wednesday eves.  Success and You at 5PM and Essential Living at 7PM
Free workshop on Empowerment and Assertiveness with Kindness on Sunday at 1:45PM

Monday, September 01, 2003

Here to Heal 

What is in need to be healed in you and me and the world we see?

We need to heal what is not whole within us.
We need to heal our thoughts, our words and our activities.  
Wherever we are not thinking with the mind of God, we need to heal our thinking.  
Wherever we are thinking unholy thoughts, our minds need to be healed.  
Wherever we are thinking of disease and disaster, our thoughts are not whole.  
Wherever we are not perceiving wholeness, we need to heal our perception.  
To see the Truth beneath the surface error is our healing.

Wherever our words are not patient, kind, honest, and joyful. we need healing.  
Wherever our words teach others to be impatient, upset, unkind or dishonest, we need to heal and transform our speech.
We are here to heal how we speak to others, to ourselves and to our Source.

Wherever our actions are not for the Highest Good, we need healing.  
Wherever we are selfish, negative, giving less than our best, or trying to manipulate or control others, we need healing.   
When our deeds are not a model for others, we need to forgive our choices and choose again.  
We are here to teach by our example that we might all live in a world which lives in Love and Joy and Peace.

Wherever I am not thinking, seeing, speaking and acting in ways which are loving and Good for All, I need healing.  
This I affirm and choose for myself and my world.

Loving you,  Betty Lue