Thursday, April 29, 2004

Gifts of Love 

What is the way you want to be loved by others?
Mostly we give what we wish others would give to us.

Most of us really experienced Love in one of five ways:
-Affection and Touch
-Quality Time, being with us with no distractions.
-Acts of Service, being given to by another.
-Gifts and things that are purchased or made for us.
-Affirming words of Love and appreciation confidence and trust.

Take time to reflect on when you really felt most loved by that special person in your childhood.
What did they offer you?
What was there way of demonstrating their love for you?
How do you most feel loved?
What are the specifics? (Exact words, way of being held, special gift, look on someone’s face when they greet you, the way they smell, how the table looks, etc.)

I believe when we want to love our others and ourselves, we need to give ourselves what feels most loving to us. My mother always gave through acts of service. She kept a beautiful home which was clean and orderly, harmonious and peaceful. She prepared meals always as an act of love, giving us our favorites and providing the best in nutrition. She gave freely and lovingly in many ways, but these are the most obvious ways I give to others today. I even clean up my world: .gas station bathrooms, pick up trash when I walk, leave places a little cleaner than when I came. I feel loved by beautiful and nutritious meals on tables set with flowers and conversation that is light and appreciative. My father gave love by believing in me and others. He gave his quality time to be fully present, to listen with a conscious intention of sending a mental message of “You can do it.” “I believe all things are possible with LOVE.” And so I give myself and others positive messages as I spend quality time listening within to my soul’s song. I joyfully give others my faith and my confidence that they can achieve what they conceive and believe and are willing to give their attention, affirmation and energy to. My focus is on the world and how I can leave it a better place, because I came from a family who always emphasized our global family. My parents traveled the world (85 countries) on modest savings and retirement income, often staying in the homes of people they knew through an Exchange student program. They were truly ambassadors of Good Will, creating family wherever they went. Those who know me see that I am a product of all this, just done in my own way. I totally appreciate the gift of their example.

Today I can see how the love I give is usually not with gifts, but with my time and energy.
I can see how I take special effort to create a beautiful and harmonious home.
I see how I love people by giving them my time and my belief in them.
I can see how I serve people the best I know in healthy meals for the body and wisdom for the soul.
I can see how much I give what I have valued receiving.

What have you valued in receiving?
Let go of focusing on what you have not received.
Value what you have been given with Love.
Give with Love what you value.
Your mind, body and Spirit will be prospered.

Loving you as I give to you the best I know…..
Betty Lue

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Motivation and You 

What motivates you to do what you do?
What moves you into action?
What mobilizes your energy to eat, to work, to live, to give?

Are you giving that you might receive what you feel you need?
Is our giving really our receiving?
Are we here to give to ourselves by giving to others?
Are we all just fulfilling our own perceived needs by meeting the perceived needs in the world?
Are we projecting the world’s needs from our own inner self denial or believed lack?
Is there a way by giving to others we can fill our own needs?
And can we give to ourselves as freely as we give to others?
When we are fulfilled, do we recognize we need do nothing?

This is a wonderful opportunity to see what it is we need to give and receive.
Now is the time to take responsibility for our gift here, both given and received.
It is essential to be fulfilled that we receive the message and the essential gift in all our giving.
Nothing truly given is lost or given away.
Everything truly given is fully received by the giver.

Are you motivated to help and be helped?
Are you motivated to teach and to learn?
Are you motivated to save and be saved?
Are you motivated to nurture and be nurtured?
Are you motivated to give and receive intimacy?
Are you motivated to prosper others and be prosperous?
Are you motivated to provide for others and be provided for?
Are you motivated to reassure and be reassured?
Are you motivated to heal and be healed?
Are you motivated to inspire and be inspired?

What motivates you?
Have you fully received the gift you are giving?
Are you willing to give what you want to have?
Are you willing to teach your world by being what you want to see?

Betty Lue

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Abundance Mentality 

One of the characteristics of a Teacher of God (ACIM) is generosity.
Stephen Covey says, One of the three primary characteristics of a successful person is abundance mentality.
Abundance mentality is knowing there is plenty for everyone.

To be generous is to come from the joy of giving.
To be generous is to give freely and unconditionally.
To be generous is to always have enough to share.
To be generous is to know it all is a gift from and to God.
To be generous is to give all to all to have all.
To be generous is to give the very best without withhold.
To be generous is to seek nothing in return.
To be generous is to respond to every request with YES.
To be generous is to know there is enough for everyone.
To be generous is to always be grateful for your Source and resources.

I have never been poor. ( And I have lived with no and minimal income many times.)
I have never needed to say NO to another’s need.
I have never denied a brother love or counseling, healing, food or lodging.
When I am asked, I can say “YES” as I am guided.
I say “Yes” to what is for the Highest Good of all parties.

And I have received food stamps, when there was no income for those living in my household.
Eight came from different places, most seriously ill for alternative treatment in the mountains of North Carolina.
In 1986 Spirit directed us to go there for me to let go (die to my old self), relinquish my identity and take a healing sabbattical.
There was no income for those 10 months.
People seemed to hear about us and arrive to be fed and housed during a time of physical, mental and spiritual healing.
I grew wheat grass, prepared raw food diets and studied many holistic healing arts with my partner Robert, a magnificent healer.
We lived on my good credit and later food stamps as none of our housemates had income.
We gave in the community, offered counseling and workshops for those called to us, supported local spiritual teachers, and freely gave all we knew and all we had.

Robert worked everyday in executive benefit sales (his profession for many years) with no financial results.
Just four days before moving back to the West coast, one of his many contacts made a company purchase which paid for our move to NC, our expenses while there and our move back to CA.
You could say it was a miracle. Or you could say Spirit paid us for our faith and generosity.

I know Giving is the source of life energy and health and happiness.
Giving is the greatest gift of all.
Giving bring the giver the reward of what they give.
Giving teaches all to give that we might live in a world of giving Spirit, sharing the best of what God has given.

Generosity pays. Give freely.
Betty Lue

Monday, April 26, 2004

Depend On What Is Dependable 

This makes sense to our logic.
What can we trust?
What do we count on?
What is consistent?
What is eternal?

To be dependent on a person is to depend on the changes that occur:
changes in health, in moods, in finances, in being present.
To trust our jobs, our health, our finances, our thoughts to stay the same is foolish.
Even in loving and lasting relationships we must be willing to honor the possibility of change.

When I depend only on the Eternal Love of God, the Divine, Spirit, The Great Mystery, I am at peace.
When I count on what lives and breathes and has its being in the Love I Am, I am at safe and secure.
To convince ourselves that life will stay the same is to set ourselves up for disappointment and fear.
And I do offer you and those around me my commitment to love no matter what. This commitment I can give as a messenger of Spirit. In my commitment to the God in me, I am at peace in knowing that I am given that which I give. And yet, I also am aware that in their humanness, most have forgotten and forsaken this Holy Truth. Most human beings are busy using their relationships to get something they believe they have lost, the Love they seek to reclaim.

In the monthly relationship enhancement workshop on Sunday afternoon, I became aware of how often women seek to get what they want through resentment and complaints. I became aware of how often men feel guilty and depressed or guilty and angry about not being able to make their woman happy. Simple formula which fits almost all couples except the most aware. We are replaying our childhood myth, learned with our mothers that men are responsible for a woman’s happiness and that a boy’s job is to make Mom happy.

What if our job is to BE Happy?
What if our wok is to love without conditions, rules, judgments and attachment?
What if our job is to choose for happiness?
What is we really are here to freely give love, trust and freedom from a place of inner contentment?

Depend only on the call to be happy and give Love.

Dependable B’Lue

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Living and Giving My Best 

I am beginning again. I am choosing again for the best I know.

In a world of let’s get by , lets be lazy, let’s not try, let’s do it on the fly, why not just let things slip a little? I know and you know and the world knows, because everything is influenced by subtle changes and choices in you and me. You see, we really are here to set us all free. So as you see, I am taking responsibility again for the world I see. If it were up to me, we all would live naturally, with love leading the way. And that all begins with ME. The words we say would all be forgiving and living the Highest Truth, Good for All and then we would have a ball, play and save the day with shouting hooray!”
And this I can do, for it begins with me and with YOU!”

Just letting myself flow with what comes, it often comes our in semi-rhyme or rhythm. The meaning is clear, so it truly does not matter the form. Just as in life, when my meaning, my intention is clear, everyone gets it even if the words are miss-spelled or miss-spoken. I must live my Truth. I must be the best I can be, to live and give my whole Self faithfully, so all can see…it can be done by just one. No need to have someone to lead. You can do it! I can begin with you and we will grow from there.

Today I am creating a living breathing schedule which includes ample time for renewal and clarity. Today I am recreating a nutritional plan which allows the pounds of stress to melt away everyday.
Today I am walking to the top of the hill, to fill myself up with God and Good and Beauty and Love.
Today I am willing my mind and body to stay in tiptop shape to do the work I came here to do.
Today I am giving my life to God, to the Highest Good for All, for the sake of creating One Family.
Today I am choosing to walk my talk and live my dream and create strategies that work for everyone.
Today I am honoring the flow of life as we grow in life to the best we can be naturally.
Today I am choosing to believe in you, to know it can be true, the dream of everyone happy and free.
Today I am extending the best I know wherever I go, to watch how we grow in faith, wisdom and love.

I am loving you and me, effortlessly.

When I am on purpose in all ways, life is fun, safe and easy!!!!

Betty Lue

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Our Fountain of Eternal Love 

Within each one of us is an ever-flowing fountain of energy.
It bubbles forth within us to the degree to which we are free to be.
This fountain offers wisdom, grace, joy goodness and beauty as we have need.
It is a wellspring of life itself.
Spirit is its Essence. Spirit is the life force. Spirit is infinite and limitless.

Many learn to limit the flow.
Many give it all away.
Many pretend it doesn’t exist.
Many divert its energy.

Deep within is an Abundant Source of Everything Good and Whole.
Deep within is a glorious fountain of Love that is endless.
Deep within is a quiet stillness offers Peace to every mind.
Deep within is a brilliant Light of Joy that will dissolve all fear.

We either give it all way by letting others depend on our flow with umbilical cords to suck what and when they wish. Or we have so many holes in our own bucket that we cannot sustain enough energy for our own life resources. Often life is about patching the holes of doubt and fear, filling the needs for confidence and unconditional love, and remembering the truth of our limitlessness.
And also we may need to stop forsaking ourselves to care for others by removing the umbilical cords and chains of guilt and codependence that bind us.

When we are bound by duty for others’ care, we are not free.
When we are dependent on others, we are not free.
When we are limiting ourselves with scary stories and violent visions, we are not free.
When we are forsaking our joyous calling, we are not free.
When we are not enjoying life, we are not free.
When we are forgetting to listen within, we are not free.
When we think this world is real, we are not free.
When we are depending on the world we see to make life OK for us, we are not free.
When we give ourselves no choice, we are not free.
When we deny ourselves love and happiness, we are not free.
When we live in inner conflict, we are not free.

Allow the inner fountain of eternal Love to wash away the myths of human error.
Allow the inner flame of compassion and Joy to shine away the dark shadows of guilt and shame.
Allow the Sun to shine in You this day. Allow the Love to sing through you today.
Life is for giving.
You are the Gift.
Love is born again in You.
Give your Whole and Precious Self to You.
Welcome Home. Be gentle. Be respectful. Be grateful. And Enjoy loving You!

Betty Lue

Yes, This is written just for You!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Vision Into Action Team 

Some of you have asked how you can participate in the vision I shared in the April 18, 2004 Loving Reminder on creating Community Centers, where young and old can experience extended family, fellowship, encouragement and support. These are places of trust with respect, freedom with responsibility and caring with cooperation.

Everyone needs a safe place in which to care and share.
Everyone needs to be valued and needed.
Everyone needs an opportunity to love and be loved.
Whether for homework, games, conversation, learning or sharing a meal, all of us want to belong.
Coming home is finding our intrinsic value within and sharing with someone who recognizes our worth.
These community centers will be places of hope, faith and love, hope for finding better ways, faith in our future and love for one another.

See April 18, 2004 Loving Reminder for more.

Let me know if you want to join our Vision Into Action Team. I will place you on my group Vision Into Action Email list and we will correspond to keep everyone working together in Spirit and practical action.

What is needed?
Who will participate in creating?
Who will we serve?.
Who will volunteer to facilitate and coordinate?
Where can we house these centers at no or low cost?
What is a true community center?
Where do we begin?

What You Can Do To Help This Happy and Helpful Dream Come True:
“Become a Player on My Vision Into Action Team”

1) Research and fact find. Naturally observe what is needed in your community.
2) Offer your imagination and vision, your affirmation and prayer support.
3) Consult when we have ideas, by giving your feedback and opinions.
4) Join on line or in person to brainstorm pros and cons, possibilities, and creative solutions.
5) Develop step by step plans, detailing what is needed, giving suggestions and assignments.
6) Ask meaningful questions when needed to have us stop, look and listen within.
7) Receive Divine Guidance and Inspiration, especially about the part you are to play.

Email me to be placed on my “players” list and we will begin!!!!

Together there is nothing we cannot do.

Loving you,
Betty Lue

Thursday, April 22, 2004

What is Limiting You? 

Do you want to fit in?
Do you want to be liked?
Do you want to be like others?
Do you want to be acceptable?
Do you want to receive compliments and approval?

Have you learned from life not to be different?
Have you learned from your family to not make a spectacle of yourself?
Have you learned how to go unnoticed or make yourself invisible?
Is it important not to be different?

In our society there is a melting pot attitude which homogenizes us all into the common or ordinary.
To be extraordinary requires standing out and being outstanding.
To be successful requires a willingness to be different than the norm.
To be average, above average, mediocre may be a good defense from being singled out.
To fit in, belong to a group and conform to the values of your associates may help avoid discrimination.
We tend to become more similar to those with whom we live, work and associate.
We tend to follow the values and norms of our society.
We tend to agree in order to avoid confrontation and arguments.
We tend to judge those who are opinionated and different.
We fear the judgments of others when we have different ideas and opinions.
What we judge in others we fear in ourselves.

To be conscious, we will be different.
To love unconditionally, we will be different.
To be consistently happy, we will be different.
To listen within, we will be different.
To be inspired and inspiring, we will be different.
To take impeccable care of ourselves, we will be different.

Are you willing to love and accept how different you are?
Are you willing to affirm and encourage your uniqueness?
Are you willing to seek and appreciate diversity in others?
Are you willing to stand out and be outstanding?
Are you willing to become truly extraordinary?

Others may judge, be jealous, criticize and avoid you.
Others may have difficulty relating to you.
Others may reject, betray and misunderstand you.

Are you willing to be unlimited in power and peace?
Are you willing to be conscious, responsible and free?
Are you willing to enjoy making choices and learn from all mistakes?
Are you willing to dare to be all you are today and everyday?
No matter what others think or say or do…..Be true to the Real unlimited You!

I am loving our differences,
Betty Lue

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Giving Voice 

This is my second day with NO voice.
I can whisper with effort and be heard.
I notice how little I need to speak.
I have a life where only with clients and classes do I need to use my voice.
Answering the phone can be done when my voice returns.

What do I give voice to?
My life is my message.
My written words tell my story.
I live my Truth.
I prefer not talking, but action.
I prefer simply doing what needs to be done.
I prefer not explaining or justifying, but just doing it.

While my voice will return, within a day or two…..
I once again dedicate my words to God and Good for All.
I once again give my life to what inspires me and you.
I once again choose to live what is True from within.
I once again will talk less and say more.

Concise may not sound nice.
The verbal packaging will not be cleverly hiding what I want to say.
I will say what I mean and mean what I say.
I will share the highest and best I know.
I will offer possibilities to grow and heal, to choose and create.
I will honor me and you and All by only sharing what you have asked to hear from me.

God knows the message is always for the messenger.
I will listen to, accept and respond to the messages I bring.
I will faithfully honor the inner Voice for giving me what I need to know.
I will celebrate the opportunity to give mindfully the Love I am here to share.

Isn’t life fun?
We are given infinite opportunities to remember, to choose, to live the Truth of Love.

Loving you,
Betty Lue

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Always Loving You 

Each one is important to the Good of the whole.
It is not enough to wish we could or to try to be.
It is imperative that we give ourselves permission to live.
Live our dreams.
Bring to light our inspiration.
Follow the path put before us.
Love those who are sent our way.
Honor the life experiences we have had.
Enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Give glory to the Divine, the creative potential within.

Even those who say they do not believe, believe.
Even those who are angry about injustice, want to do something.
Even those who claim they have nothing to give, long to be of service.
Each one of us has a glorious part to play in the Grand Mystery of Life.
To follow our heart is to seek what flows freely from us.
Often unnoticed and usually unappreciated, we all have something to share.

I invite you to join me in listening deeply within you.
Watch closely at what you give everyday in thought and word and deed.
What motivates and inspires you?
What makes your heart sing and your mind go still?
What peaks your interest and fills you with enthusiasm?
What lights your path and opens doors?
What inspires ideas and gives your imagination fuel for thought?

This world is not about making money…it is about feeding you soul.
This world is not about having fame and fortune…it is about finding the Goodness within.
This life is not about surviving…it is about helping everyone thrive.
This life is not about being safe and secure…it is about ensuring every child’s safety and self esteem.
This life is not about greater is about the greatness of our everyday creations.

When you begin to appreciate who you are, you will see why you are here.
When you enjoy living your life, you will see the joy your life brings to others.
When you love what you give, you will give more of what you love.

Do less and enjoy more.
Seek no one more to love, and love those on your path more perfectly.
Ask for nothing more until, you have fully appreciated all you have.

I am loving us all as One,
Betty Lue

Together, are we not One Sun and one light and one Joy for all to see the way of Love?

Monday, April 19, 2004

Missing Pieces 

Whenever there is something missing in our lives, we notice.
Whenever there is missed communication, we notice.
Whenever there is upset, we notice.
Whenever we are not sure of our path, we notice.

The discomfort of noticing what is missing is often ignored or denied or covered over with busyness, physical pleasures (food, sex, exercise), or preoccupation with other problems and concerns.

I have been noticing very few emails from you, my loving reminder friends.
I have consistently sent loving reminders out for over five years.
I could feel something had changed, but didn’t know what.
It appears that a substantial number are not being received. (hundreds probably)
Instead of responding to my inner knowing, I made excuses and quickly covered over my noticing.

If you look on my website, , you will find all the reminders posted on the day they are sent out. If you do not receive them, could you let me know so I can clarify with your help, the source of the problem and the solution? Blocked spam, lists needing to be less than 99 or certain servers not receiving from mine (Comcast)??
The point is,
When my diet is not healthy, I know.
When my finances are not flowing, I know.
When any relationship is ‘scritchy’, I know.
When my home environment is a distraction, I know.
When my spiritual connection is not solid, I know.
When my energy is inconsistent, I know.
When my attitude needs adjustment, I know.
When my writing lacks focus, I know.
When my spiritual vision is not being respected, I know.
When I have forgotten my whole Self, I know.

When we notice, rather than turn away, wait for external rescuing, be distracted or just dismiss our noticing, it is important to acknowledge what we notice and respond with Love and Respect.
Even if we don’t know what to do, the simple acknowledgment of what we notice will strengthen our intuition, awareness, observation and enlightenment.

Notice what is missing.
Then seek fulfillment.

Blessing you and me,
Betty Lue

Sunday, April 18, 2004

I Have a Dream 

What I know within is Reality.
What I see in this world is a dream.

I choose to live in the happy dream I create with my thoughts, words and activities.
What I dream of is a place for all of us to feel safe and warm and loved.
I dream of a place where we all experience more light in our minds, our hearts and our lives.
I see a space where young and old, rich and poor, can discover their wholeness and goodness together.
I know this place of learning, healing, spiritual growth and awakening because I co-create this space.
Every center, every contact, every appointment, every phone call is this place, a holy moment.
When I give, what I dream of, when I share what I know, when I invite you into my heart, I am creating.
I have a dream that all of us awaken to the creative potential within.
I have a dream that we all share the Highest we know.
I have a dream that we all recognize the Wholeness within.
I have a dream that we all listen with an open mind and accepting heart.
I have a dream that we all care for one another with compassion and encouragement.
I have a dream that we all are at peace and open to fully understand.
I have a dream that we are all free to be uniquely ourselves.
I have a dream that we enjoy life each day.
I have a dream that the goodness and beauty and wholeness we share is extended to everyone everywhere.

And Yes, I am ready and willing to join with you to make this dream come true.
And Yes, I say to those of you who want to create a space, a storefront or office, where all are welcome.
And Yes, to those who would join with me to counsel and teach and touch with Love and Faith and Joy.
And Yes, to You who have a dream you are called to bring to fruition to serve the Good of All.

Children and seniors talking and playing games together, feeling loved and valued.
Teens discussing politics and values, peer counseling and academic support for one another.
A place to join in preparation and sharing of meals and ideas. Family Fun Night.
A time to sing and laugh, to love and learn together. Stories and talent freely shared.
A place where parents receive education and support for talking with and teaching their kids.
A place where kids receive help in how to build a better family life for everyone.
A place where everyone learns effective life strategies for more fulfillment, happiness and health.
A Place to gather inspiration and information on how to improve the quality of life.
Classes on relationships, finances, home enhancement, creativity, communication, spiritual growth.

I see a franchise, with centers across this nation and around the world, simple and free from insurance and financial concerns, the best leadership and support volunteering their energy or receiving love offerings. Everyone in partnership, providers and clients all encouraged to share the best they have in time, materials and goods. People learning that the best way to grow is by giving. Modeling and mentoring, coaching and counseling, training and teaching, loving and growing together with respect, responsibility and cooperation.

If you see a need.. .
If you are joined with me…
If you want a way to begin…
If you would like my help in strategic planning, mentoring or coaching with you dream...
If you are ready to actually put this place together her and now, call or email me and let us begin.
I am ready! Are you?

Betty Lue

Saturday, April 17, 2004

For Your Reflection 

Change and transition in the physical realm is natural.
People unfold like flowers in warmth and light.
People sometimes shrivel and die with harshness and darkness.
We are here to blossom into the fullness of Love We Are.
We are here to give Love, warmth and Light, to everyone.
Love is freedom and trust, the freedom to choose and trust in God.
What we give we receive as we give.
What we perceive we encourage and strengthen in ourselves.
We are responsible (at choice and able to respond) for what we experience.
What we believe about what we see determines what we feel.
Where we judge, we feel pain, fatigue, upset, fear and anger.
Where we feel upset, we have forgotten our purpose.
We are never upset for the reason we think.
We need not understand the source of our upset.
Every upset is a past similar, usually an unhealed experience from our childhood.
Every upset calls for forgiveness and Love.
We can choose to forgive and erase our judgment to return to peace and Love.
When we come to peace, we often receive true and lasting understanding.
Miracles are natural when we see with the eyes of Love.

Healer’s Prayer from A Course in Miracles
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent the Love that sent me.
I need not worry about what to do or say
Because the Love that sent me will direct me.
I am content to be where Love wishes
Knowing that Love goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Love teach me to heal.

Everything we think and say and do teaches all the Universe.
We are here to teach the world to live in love by giving the Love Are.
Love is letting go of fear.
Love is fully being our whole and Holy Selves.
Life is a university to explore discovering and releasing the obstacles to Love.
This is a failsafe universe. We all graduate!!

Loving You,
Betty Lue

Friday, April 16, 2004

Loving Our Differences 

Some of us are dramatic and some are peaceful.
Some are passionate and some are placid.
Some of us are expressive, some withheld and some silent.
Some of us are courageous, and some fearful and some meek.
Some of us are playful, some serious and some intense.
Some of us are spiritual, some devout and some don’t care.
Some of us are cautious and some are daring.
Some are studious and some spontaneous.
Some are challenging and some are accepting.
Some fight to win. Some just love to fight.
Some would rather lose than hurt another.
Some would rather take a back seat.
Some would rather be nice.
Some feel sympathy and pain for others.
Some are detached and cool.
Some are very mental, while others emotional or kinesthetic.
Some make decisions easily and quickly, while some agonize over every detail.
Some take pride in suffering and surviving, while others seek no pain in thriving.
Some go to God first, while others use God as last resort.
Some seek to right wrongs, while others seek to do no wrong.
Some criticize and complain as a way of life, while others actually see no strife.
Some give more and some give less.
Some are rich in possessions and poor in enjoyment.
Some are poor in investments and rich in fulfillment.
Some have many lifetime lovers and others only one beloved.
Some attract like bees to honey and others seem to repel.
Some are picky and some say YES to whatever comes.
Some are bossy and demanding, while others easily conform.
Some are selfish and take care of “me” only, while others look out for everyone.

Each of us is different…..many paths and many processes.
No need to judge our path, process or practice.
Each one designed uniquely for us.
How amazing life is, filled with an infinite number of options……
Opportunities to explore and find our way to peace and love and joy.

Wherever we go and whatever we do, whether alone or together, we are always choosing our own way. No one can tell another, for we only can come to fully know and guide ourselves.
“To Thine own self be true.” is a humbling life work.
It may take a lifetime simply to know fully love ourselves.
For those who seek union with another, begin within to listen, to truly see and know yourself.
Then fall in Love with the gift of You. And to thine own self…always be true.

Loving you,
Betty Lue

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Relinquish the Desire to be Special 

True Love comes when we give up the need to be special.
Inner peace comes when we give up the need to be special.
Freedom comes when we give up the need to be special.
Natural joy comes when we give up the need to be special.
Total security comes when we give up the need to be special.

The need to be special to someone distracts us and sets judgment in motion.
The need to earn something special causes us to compare with others.
The need to have something special causes us to envy what others have.
The need to do something special causes us to try hard to be the best.

Being loved specially often becomes the source of disillusionment, distraction and dependence.
When we are being made special, we feel attached and even addicted to the source of our specialness.
When the source of our specialness leaves or changes their mind , we often feel unloved, loss, anger and self doubt.
When we love another specially and we doubt our choice, pass judgment on their specialness, question their value in our life, they may feel rejected, forsaken, abandoned, betrayed, depressed and even suicidal.
Humans change their minds and their emotions for rational and irrational reasons.
Parents, partners, friends and employers offer special “rewards” and special “punishments” based on nothing more than whim or will, emotion or manipulation usually to get what they want. It is foolish to base our loveability on others loving us specially.
Being loved for doing nothing and being nothing makes no sense and is often rejected by those who only know special love.

When we know we are loved equally, we set ourselves free to be.
Freedom from fear and criticism comes from loving everyone equally.
Freedom from doubt and insecurity comes when we give our best to everyone.
Freedom to create and enjoy life comes when we extend our unconditional acceptance to those who come our way.
Love is not special.
It is the creative force in the universe.
It is available to all equally, but accepted and experienced only according to our willingness to relinquish our self doubt, judgment and fear.

When we love everyone equally, we are truly free.

Loving you and me, for I want us to be free.
Betty Lue

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Love is Not Special 

I received this email for my response (which follows the note):
Dear Betty Lue,
I feel like I am never loved perfectly, as I am never able to quite relinquish my self doubts and judgments. How do we recognize a possible equal partner and distinguish him for an unequal one? Everybody obviously always gives the best they can, but it may not necessarily be that rewarding or inspiring to the other. You work around it, create compromises, but unless the relationship flows spontaneously in a harmonious way without constant effort, it is not that fulfilling. Also, unless you feel that your communication is on the same wavelength, it is not that fulfilling either.. I am happy for you that you have love in your life that inspires you. I find it lately difficult to keep giving. It feels like it is better than not giving, but sometimes it feels like it is too much effort for too little reward. I know that you are supposed to be fulfilled by the giving itself, but I am not. Other times I wonder if I am able to offer things that are truly valuable to people. HELP!

Love is Not Special

This world’s view of Love is the Specialness given by the lover to the beloved. Whenever there is a special adoration, there may be an equal and opposite abhorrence. Whenever there is a high, there is a counter-balancing low. Whenever there is a lust, there may be moments of disgust. Specialness is of the ego, our human condition which attracts us to that which seems really good and an avoidance of what seems really bad.

When we can love everyone equally, we are in the state of Love. This love is eternal, Divine and of God.
This Love is our true nature and does not change with seasons, conditions or the object of our love.
Unconditional Love is a state of Being which is lasting, consistent and True.

When we seek a special relationship, we believe we are not enough and seek another to affirm our specialness.
As long as that party is able and willing to reassure our specialness by their presence, gifts, words, or actions, we are satisfied.
When they are unable or unwilling to give us what we want, we may feel hurt, rejected, forsaken and betrayed.
Special relationships have moments or even years of attraction, affection and a sense of completion and fulfillment,
but we will fear the loss of that which completes us.
Ultimately all special relationships will fail to satisfy us.
We can only know our wholeness and completion in relationship with the Divine, as we come to love and accept ourselves as we are.

Spiritual Partnerships or Holy Relationships are based on recognizing our partnership with the Divine.
We know our completion in God.
We see ourselves as wholly loved and wholly loving.
We seek only to share and extend the Love we are.
There is no need to get something in return, when one is unconditionally loved and whole.
Life is solely about giving

Spiritual partnership is not about getting anything, but rather about giving to the common good.
The ego seeks to get, and Spirit is called to give. When we are looking to the exchange of Love solely between two people, there is a limited and limiting experience based on the current egoic or personality state of the two beings.
In sickness, sorrow, insanity, guilt and other unwanted states, there is lack of love given and received.
When the relationship is committed to a common and higher goal, the focus transcends the temporary lack in either personality. Special relationships are based on an experience of incompletion or something lacking within the individuals.
Both people seek to get whatever is missing from outside themselves…to complete themselves with another.
When two whole people come together, they seek only to contribute and co-create what is their calling or common vision.
Special relationships are ones in which we are attracted to the frame, the body or personality of the person.
We fall in love with that which we see or want to see.
When we realize the Love we are, we only seek to extend that love to all who come our way.
In this Holy Love there is joining or Union with those who are wholly willing to receive.
Holy Partnerships are sometimes momentary, a holy instant, or sometimes for a number of years and yearly for a lifetime.
There is always opportunity to teach and learn together, to give and receive to one another.
There is always the call to forgive oneself for judging oneself lacking and needy.
There is always the opportunity to notice the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence within ourselves.
Thus all relationships can teach us to forgive and Love again.

Give your whole Self to Love and Love will give to you. Give your whole relationship to Holy Spirit and allow the undoing of what is false and the emergence of what is True.

Loving you, Betty Lue

I am speaking about all relationships. Lovers, business partners, spiritual teachers, leaders, others authority figures, children, parents, friends and more.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Not Getting What You Want? 

We may not get what we want, but life gives us all we need to heal, awaken and remember.
Our ego may want toys and treasures, tricks and tools, distractions and excuses.
But our Soul Self wants healing, growth, service, creativity and awakening.

The trick in life is to use what we get for Goodness Sake.
When we have committed our lives, our energy and resources to Spiritual or inspirational use, we easily transform what seems negative into Goodness.
The miracle of our willingness to give it all to God are the loving gifts, blessings and miracles that emerge from what may have appeared lost, dark and bereft of hope.

We are never stuck with what we experience.
With forgiveness or non-judgment, we see and receive the intrinsic blessing of what is valuable for us.
With our judgment, hatred, resistance and fear, we are stuck with the memory and aftertaste of what is devalued and disliked. Remember, what you resist, you put energy into and often experience again.
All life experiences are gift for us to embrace, utilize and transform to heal, grow, and remember our Essential nature, to realize the free, creative and unlimited Being We Are.
We are here to free ourselves from dependency, neediness, suffering, laziness, self-denial and the other deadly distractions.

Most folks judge what life brings. They like some experiences and hate others.
The act of judgment fixates our attention and experience on what we have judged.
The moment we forgive and release our judgments, the life experience is open for transformation.
By giving our lives to Spirit, seeking the intrinsic inspiration within everything, we expand our consciousness to reveal the underlying meaning or purpose in all things.
In other words, everything works together for Good when we seek the Good within all things.
Everything works more exquisitely than we can plan, when we trust there is something more powerful and true beneath our planning.

When we Believe “All is well”, we are willing and able to believe and perceive the wellness within all things. And so it is that we co-create our experience when we recognize the God and Good within all things.

Telling you True,
Betty Lue

This is not a popular message for those who want an external savior.
This a powerful message for those who want to know the way it really is.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Family Everywhere 

We are all family.
Every man’s work is my work.
Every woman’s child is my child.
Everyone’s grief is my sorrow.
Everyone’s joy is mine.

This life is about undoing the blocks that seem to hold us separate in physical bodies.
We often identify ourselves as with separate identities, celebrating our differences.
Humans often see themselves as their thoughts or emotions.
They often believe they are their roles or achievements.
They often claim their worth as their toys and tools, their education and their investments.
We are not our bodies. Bodies are our temporary physical device for communication.
We are not our emotions. Emotions are energy expressing itself through our beliefs and perceptions.
We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts are the manifestation of our history, learning and beliefs.
We are Essence.
We are Spirit.
We are the unnamable Presence of the Infinite expressing ItSelf.
It is our Essence to whom we owe allegiance.
It is the Spirit within that directs our Life impeccably.
Everything always works more exquisitely than we can plan, when we listen and honor the Spirit within.

In this past week I have shared intimately my family experiences, both inner and outer.
It appears that I am identified as mother, daughter, grandmother, therapist and provider.
However, when I look deeply at myself and my life, I have always identified with my Essence, my real inner Teacher and Creator. When I am at peace, I see you as my spiritual brothers and sisters, and Yes, even as mySelf. When I work within a group, I know that each person there represents some aspect of my Being. In recognizing our Oneness, our Union, our Essence, I come to know and realize and Love God. For God is All this and more. It takes all of us in Love to realize the One We Are, the Unlimited, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient One live.

And if indeed, there is no one outside God’s Love and mine, then I am as committed to one as to another.
I trust that each one who comes my way is sent by Spirit to be listened to and loved,
to be embraced and reminded, to be joined in the co-creation of the Highest Good.
And as we are in love together forever, we are all wed in Christ (enlightened) Consciousness.

I am loving you and All as One,
Betty Lue

Sunday, April 11, 2004

When Life Changes, Love Remains 

Easter is a Celebration of Love that Never Ends….
Love that Never Fails…..
Love that serves all and remembers God and Goodness always.
Love forgives all things.
Love is Patient and Kind.
This is the Resurrection of Really Living.

In last week’s Loving Reminder, I wrote:
Partner relationships are those with whom we join as equals, friends and companions, teachers and learners for one another. With mutual respect, always giving our best to one another, both partners blossom and grow.

Through life’s challenges true partners strengthen their commitment to grow together in faith and courage. Both are blessed and a blessing one to another.
In this, they always remember Love and live in the wholeness of their Holy relationship.

I am blessed with a life partner with whom life’s challenges have given us the strength and courage, the faith and willingness, the inspiration and dedication to continue to love unconditionally, serve from the heart and always remember God.

My Life Partner responded:

Dearest Betty Lue,
Life has often been likened to a dance.

Just as you recognize me as a willing partner, with whom you can love, serve and remember, recognize that it takes a great partner to lead without appearing to lead, to whisper encouragement, to continually forgive and adjust and compensate, so that both the partner and the partnership continue to look elegant, graceful and inspiring.

I am extremely blessed to have you as my life partner. While I am dancing slow right now and fumble on many of the steps, I am still your willing and loving partner.

Thanks for recognizing me.
Loving you always,

May you be likewise blessed, for thus we are loved by God….endlessly and unconditionally.
Betty Lue

Dearest Partners in my life,

There are many partners in life for each of us, if only we would receive the love they give. They come in many forms and disguises. They come in human form, as spiritual teachers, healers and friends. They come as our children, parents and sometimes those who disturb and challenge our willingness to love.

They come unseen, but known through their loving touch and gentle words. They come with spiritual belief, prayerful response and known through the miracles they bring. Do not forget that each one of us have many mighty companions who guide our way and love us endlessly without condition or judgment.

We realize we are loved perfectly when we relinquish our own self doubts, fears and judgments.

I am loving you,
Betty Lue

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Our Wedding Anniversary 

How did we meet? (I was asked last week.)
It was an arranged spiritual marriage of two souls committed to serve God and Good.

19 years ago, Robert and I came together by Divine appointment. My hair dresser/spiritual friend suggested I contact two financial consultants he knew. I declined saying ‘My finances were in the hands of Spirit.’ Within two weeks I heard in my inner listening, I was to contact these consultants. During that meeting Robert was silent allowing his partner to ask all the questions. The last question from Robert was, “Betty Lue, we have heard how you are caring for your family, spiritual center and associates. What is it that you need for yourself?” I heard Holy Spirit asking me the question personally. With tears I said, ”I want a spiritual partner to join me in following the Voice of God.” In that moment, everyone present, except me, was aware of the soulful connection and commitment that had been made. Robert was encouraged by his partner to volunteer at my counseling center to offer business consulting with my staff and making recommendations re: our overall structure of our community service programs. While he and I had no personal interaction, he began interviewing and observing our programs.

On April 10, 1985 I had a rare cancellation and brief opening in my full schedule. I was guided to invite Robert into my office. We sat down silently on the floor (totally unusual for me.) Spirit said through me to Robert, “Will you wed with me in Christ?” Robert said, “Yes.” There was no other conversation either before or after. The spiritual commitment was made in that moment. This was our true wedding. We continued without personal conversation or contact for several weeks, until my daily spiritual guidance made it clear that Robert was the spiritual partner I had requested. We began sharing with one another our inner guidance, our common spirit-guided path and were guided to begin a journey of friendship, partnership, growing in love and trust with one another over the next few weeks. While our joining was not understood by family and friends initially, our spiritual work together was always healing, transformative and welcomed.

The story is remarkable in that it truly was an “arranged wedding”. Neither of us were looking or interested in finding a mate or in a traditional marriage partnership. We have grow to totally love and honor, trust and respect one another. Our Union has been solely about listening and following Spirit’s guidance to serve humanity. We are truly ”On Call for God”.

Together we have lived in many homes, always open to those in need of healing, counsel and spiritual direction. We have founded community spiritual counseling/healing centers in five states. We have taught, counseled and facilitated healing with thousands of our global family. Serving everyone without regard to their ability to pay for services, we have lived with much income and no income, but never lacking in Spirit and faith. We have written many books, mentored many professional partnerships, trained and ordained 21 ministers, loved and served our families and our communities, wherever we have lived. We have lived with freedom, trusting our inner guidance, allowing our lives to be a joyful demonstration of faith and the miracles born in unconditional love.

While the journey has been eventful in every worldly way, our love and commitment is constant, enduring and without doubt or question. Our Union is truly about serving God. Therefore it can and will endure all things.

Thank you for asking.

Loving You and All as one.
Betty Lue

Friday, April 09, 2004

Beginning Anew 

I am beginning again.
I am rebuilding my professional life and practice.
I have returned to a community in which I had a sterling reputation to start over.
I am finding my right place in a new living community.
I am recreating a new form of relationship with my life partner.
I am mentoring new professional partners in holistic inspiration, education and service.
I am starting over financially.
I am listening for my new assignments spiritually.
I am visioning the best ways to contribute to the Greater Good.

In just about everyway I am beginning again.
Life is a spiral that often returns to familiar territory but with new perspectives.
Often we seem to be in the same position but with new perspectives and expanded wisdom.
For it is true that life is an opportunity to explore, experiment and discover without any judgment.
We often grade ourselves and others on our performance, thus limiting the true value of the exploration.
If we simply enjoy the learning process, how much fuller would be the experience and the learning value.

If I evaluate myself and my life, thinking that there is an award to achieve, a mountain to climb, a prize to claim, or lasting riches to attain, I would judge myself, seeing my failures and mistakes, sins of both conscious and unconscious omission and commission. If I would look at myself and my life as exploring, experiencing and tasting of life, I would see the richness and diversity of my adventures, my willingness to risk, my courage in confronting obstacles, my letting go of other’s judgments and my freedom to fully be my self.

My life, beyond the apparency, is always fun, safe and easy.
My life, beneath any judgment is forever fun, safe and easy.
My life, without doubt and criticism, is certainly fun safe and easy.
Wow! What a wonderful adventure!
What a learning opportunity!
What an expansive creation!
What a rich potpourri of possibilities!

I am beginning again, because that is what “living” really is.

Renewing my Spirit,
Betty Lue

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Change and Transformation 

Life is filled with constant change.
Change is feared when we are afraid of the unknown.
Life itself is transformation.
Changes are celebrated as miracles when enjoyed.

When I do not judge my past, I easily welcome the future.
When I am in criticism of my past, I will fear, resist and dread the future.
When I am trying to avoid repeating past mistakes, I will focus on obstacles rather than opportunities.
When I am making changes to avoid or resist what has been, I am more likely to do it all again.
When I make changes moving toward my desired goals, I easily move around obstacles.
When I fear what is to come, I attract that which I fear or let fear be my leader/teacher.
When I embrace what is to come, I attract fun, safe and easy experiences.

To grieve and regret is to be incomplete with what has been.
To complete the past is to clear all secrets and withholds, to forgive and release all judgments.
To live in the present is to be at peace with the past and unafraid of the future.

Each of us is choosing our life experience.
We can embrace what is and experience the spiritual gifts and blessing.
Or, we can resist (judge) what is and experience the pain and suffering.

To “make the most of any situation” we must first accept what is.
Our acceptance will expand our consciousness to be able to use everything for our Good.

I am loving you in full acceptance of what is.
Betty Lue

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

What Matters 

When we complain and criticize ourselves , we are dis-respecting ourselves.
When we feel sorry for ourselves, we are diminishing our strength of character.
When we make excuses for our actions, we are dis-honoring our power to choose.
When we are questioning and doubting our choices, we are weakening our Self Trust.

Recently I wrote to someone who in a moment of pain and fear was seeing themselves as “Worthless”………
“The ego will tempt you to forget you and forsake you. Quit on you.
That is the ego’s lie. I recommend you stop believing the lie and wake up! “

Within each one of us is a voice and a Truth which totally loves, supports and believes in us.
We know deep within that life is a learning laboratory.
While there are “mistakes” we make along the way, life is to be enjoyed, honored and learned from.
It is only through fully living that we can find the path to Eternal life.
It is only through giving that we can find the way to lasting Joy.
It is only through our human experience that we can come to know the limitless Power and Presence, Love and Direction of God.

I responded to questions about not fulfilling one’s hopes and dreams, goals and ideals with the following:

“It does not matter what you do, as long as you do it with love.
It does not matter what education you have, as long as you live with joy.
It does not matter what money you make, as long as you have inner peace.
You see this world does not matter.
The Truth you choose to live does!”

Remember messages are always first for the one sharing them.
If they have value to you, use them with my blessings.

I am loving you always,
Betty Lue

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Family Gatherings 

Family gatherings this past weekend brought up questions about my non-traditional role with my children and family…so I asked within for guidance. I encourage you to ask yourself about your own role, rather than unconsciously accept what is usual or traditional.
Loving you,
Betty Lue

Holy Spirit.
What about my relationship with my family?

You have always been called to the ministry in the True sense.
You are not here to fulfill or complete family agreements.
Your temporary relationship with your children was just that… temporary.
There was never a time, except in your own mind when you tried to be mother, that you were to fulfill the traditional parenting role. Just as your own mother is here for a different purpose with you, you were here to have enough of ordinary life only to know what it was about.

You have always been here to love unconditionally , serve with joy and remember God.
Life, as you know it, is pure illusion and dream.
When you hang out too much with those souls who believe it real, you lose the awareness of its temporary and experimental nature.

Yes, the ordinary or human life you have experienced has been to ready your self to teach, to heal, to offer guidance and counsel to those who are “wounded” and those who need “healing”. Remember, there is no harm in God. When all is forgiven, there is no harm.
There are those who would perpetuate the myth in neediness, in woundedness, and in the need for forgiveness. Yes, indeed, forgiveness is used to heal what is not real.
Forgiveness is used as a salve over the wound of rejections, abandonment, loss and limitation.

And yet all of this is merely a temporary state, built as the reality of the recipient and conspirator agree. In order to experience “woundedness”, there must be the agreement of the recipient and donor of the claim to harm. Or there can be two others, ie. therapist and recipient, who agree there has been resultant harm.

For yourself, you are aware of having similar experiences, where there has been no harm because there was no agreement. In this case, let us reassure you, there has been no harm. Yes, there are many who perceive it differently, for such is the state of the worldly consciousness. Guilt and blame still have persuasive power. Each must come to their own healing awareness in their own time. Let it all be.

Let go and clear your mind of false perceptions.
There has been no harm. Never have you harmed or been harmed.
Life is simply full of experiences on which each one places their own value and interpretation.
So it is. Blessed be.

To this I say Thank you, Spirit!
Betty Lue

Monday, April 05, 2004

My Daughter's Wedding 

The wedding was perfection. I cannot imagine a wedding ceremony more respectful, sincere, intimate and beautiful.
Both bride and groom created the weekend with impeccable choreography, décor, environment and music.
The people factor was spectacular with dear friends and family all loving and valuing their relationship.
Perhaps the most memorable piece was the genuine humor of their relationship that brings total joy to so many.
I was thrilled to be there, to witness what is to be one of the best lifetime love stories I will ever know.

For me personally, I was called into past memories, which I rarely visit.
I had an opportunity to look again at who I am as human being, mother, friend and life partner.
I have written some pieces inspired by their wedding and the re-stimulation of what was.

I will share with you some of my process in the next few days, with the hope of inspiring your healing, completing, appreciating and fully enjoying what has been.

The following is a letter written to my daughter on her wedding day.

On This Your Wedding Day,

Dearest Daughter,

My Spirit greets you.
My heart rejoices.

While I love you more dearly than you know, I seek not your allegiance to me or my role.
You were not mine to mold or hold.
You are born a free Spirit.
You belong to the Universe.

While you were conceived in my womb, you will always live in my heart.
While I brought you forth into this world, I set you free to be uniquely you.
While I raised you with respect and kindness for all, your innate values serve you well.
While we both made mistakes, we have easily forgiven and remembered only love.
While we travel on our own paths, we share common ideals for happiness and peace.

Your true parent is the Infinite Love of the Creator, the Great Mystery of the Universe, the Spirit that lives within You. In all this and more, you have grown into the Beauty and Goodness and Love You Are.

You were with me for a brief moment in eternity to share laughter and tears, both our joys and our fears. We came together to experience one another as teachers and learners, as mother and child, as fellow travelers for a while. And now with respect for who you are and how well you love, I am filled with tears of joy that I have had the privilege of knowing You and loving You.

With great Appreciation, I bless your Sacred Union with your life partner and best friend. May you be a blessing to one another, as you join with common dreams and ideals, share openly and freely, teach and learn together, give and receive equally, commit to what is best for both with each one taking full responsibility for your relationship. Together in Love, you cannot fail.

I am honored to witness your wedding celebration as the beginning of your ever-renewing life.

I love you. Mom

Sunday, April 04, 2004


Relationships come to us in a myriad of disguises for many purposes.
As we move along the road of life, we become wiser and more philosophical in discerning the value and function of each.
Some relationships are brief, some last a while and a few are for a lifetime and more.
All relationships offer healing and service, teaching and learning, giving and receiving when we are aware and willing.

Playmate relationships offer the experiences of adventure, exploration and gathering tools for happiness, freedom and enjoyment.

Possibility relationships awaken our ideals, opportunities for novelty, and open us to our hopes and dreams.

Project relationships bring us those who need our help and nurturing, to allow them to grow in the safety and comfort of our love.

Partner relationships are those with whom we join as equals, friends and companions, teachers and learners for one another.
With mutual respect, always giving our best to one another, both partners blossom and grow.

Through life’s challenges partners strengthen their commitment and grow together in faith and courage.
Both are blessed and a blessing one to another.
In this they always remember Love and live in the wholeness of their Holy relationship.

If you have been blessed with a life partnership, fully enjoy and be grateful.
Allow your relationship to inspire and encourage others to join in commitment and love.

Loving you,
Betty Lue

I am blessed with a life partner with whom life’s challenges have given us the strength and courage, the faith and willingness, the inspiration and dedication to continue to love unconditionally, serve from the heart and always remember God.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Your Wedding Day! 

What is wedding?
Wedding is the commitment to remember Love and return to wholeness.
How does one prepare themselves?
We recognize that everyone has healing and clearing to do to fully realize the Love we are.
How do we commit and sustain that conscious commitment?
We do the work of clearing all obstacles to Love with the support of our partner .
What keeps a life partnership strong and true? Practice, practice, practice the qualities of a teacher of God, those Self-realizing Souls who are here to live in Love and give Unconditionally

Holy Union, True Wedding, is the commitment of two people to learn to fully experience and express Unconditional Love.
Where any two join, hold the vision of a lifetime together in Love, they have expressed the conscious intent to undo all the blocks, barriers and obstacles to unconditional Love.
This requires practicing the qualities of trust, honesty, tolerance, patience, gentleness, generosity, open-mindedness, defenselessness, faithfulness and joyfulness.
This sacred commitment is the awesome responsibility of recognizing the powerful promise to love and be loved without end.
Whenever we make a promise, everything unlike our stated intention will come up for healing.
Within marriage those unhealed places within each one will surface to be revealed and healed.
We are not simply wedding with another, but rather we are returning to fully unite with the Love we are.
We are asking a partner to join with us in the remembrance of Love and the return to wholeness.
We are inviting our family and friends to support us in remembering our vows.
We are committing to the real work on this earth, to erase all obstacles to loving.
We are joining for a higher purpose than our security needs or a call to belong or have a family.
In wedding with another we are inviting ourselves to remember to love no matter what.
When we put the interests of another before our own, we realize what is given is received.
When we take responsibility for the quality of our partnership, we need not blame nor feel guilt.
When we vow to give our very best, we have committed to take impeccable care of our best selves.
When we agree to life partnership, we join in vision and agree to respect, responsibility and cooperation.
Marriage is the union of two souls with a higher vision and purpose for which they partner to achieve.

All of us are joined with the Infinite to recognize and release all blocks to Love, freedom and trust.
In this we are all wed with one another.
May this wedding of awakening souls be sanctified by our thoughts, words and deeds this and every day.

Blessed be those who are called to join together for the sake of Love,
Betty Lue

Shared as mother, friend, and fellow traveler on life’s wondrous spiritual journey.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Respect Yourself First 

You say you want respect….
Do you give respect?
You say you want to trust….
Do you give trust?
You say you want honesty…..
Are you perfectly honest?

In relationships with adolescents, mates and friends, we often see people “dis” missing one another.
We see disrespect on TV and movies with bad language, hitting, saying cruel things and name-calling.
We experience people being late, not paying their bills, cheating on taxes, being lazy, and blaming others.
Blaming others is disrespectful.
Being late is disrespectful.
Not showing up for an appointment is disrespectful.
Breaking a promise is disrespectful.
Making fun of someone is disrespectful.
Gossiping or talking about someone not present is disrespectful.
Not listening when someone is speaking is disrespectful.
Being distracted by TV while conversing with a family member is disrespectful.
Neglecting to say “Please” and ‘thank you “ is disrespectful.
Hurting or hating someone is disrespectful.

Respect is both demonstrated and earned by giving respect to ourselves and to others.
Respect is not something which can be explained or taught with words.
Respect must be given to be received.
True respect comes from Love, not from fear.

In a world which is too fast to be courteous, too busy to stop and say thanks, too distracted to notice what helps and what hurts, we must all reconsider our choices and our behavior towards ourselves and others.

Do you talk to yourself respectfully? There are no secrets…even our thoughts are heard by others.
Do you take care of yourself respectfully?
Eating right, getting enough rest, enjoying our work are ways we demonstrate our self respect.
Do you show your self respect to others? Do you stand erect, smile with contentment, speak with confidence and appreciate your life? These are the ways others can see you deserve their respect.
Do you treat others with respect? Do you talk to people with consideration, kindness and appreciation?
Negativity, demands, bullying, name-calling are all signs of ignorance and disrespect for self and others.

Respect flows from love. All true respect comes from love and appreciation
Disrespect is learned with demands and threats. Disrespect comes from hatred and fear.

The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect me.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect themselves.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect others.

Loving You,
Betty Lue

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Childlike, Immature, Foolish or Ignorant 

What is the difference between someone who is immature and ignorant?
Do you know better? Are you lacking in education, information and experience?
Do you change how you behave when you have more information?
Do you not care about what others do or think or feel?
Do you know what is appropriate, kind, polite and helpful?
Do you do things your way without consideration for others?

What is the difference between being childlike and foolish?
Are you playful, innocent and natural?
Do you disregard or ignore your own inclination to be careful?
Do you take unnecessary risks just to get a rush of adrenalin?
Are you rude and disrespectful to others?
Do you pay attention to what offends your elders and correct your behavior?

We live in an interesting time in an immature culture.
I have often seen the US as a culture of pleasers who go along, conform and act obedient. This is developmentally the latency period (elementary school age). There is also a large population of those who are ego driven by having the best, wanting to be admired and adored, the center of attention and are selfish (me first) in how they relate to others. This is developmentally the toddler age (2-5 year olds).
There are those who operate from an adolescent mentality which is part toddler and part fact finder-research, unemotional and detached from caring about others. These ways of thinking and behaving are often childish and immature, foolish and ignorant.

It is time for us to grow up as a culture.
It is time for leadership to be principle-centered.
It is time for us to seek the good for the whole.
It is time for you and I to step forward and live our spiritual principles as teachers, healers, parents, volunteers, and leaders in our communities and families.

Be innocent and playful as a child, free, spontaneous, happy , generous and creative.
Be conscious, respectful, kind, responsible, helpful, attentive and supportive of others.
Be an adult with a natural inner child who you support with your own love, respect and provision.
We all have the opportunity to re-parent ourselves, to love, encourage, nurture and enjoy our inner child.

Healing ourselves, heals our families.
Healing our families heals our communities.
Healing our communities heals our world.
Let it begin with me and you.

Loving you,
Betty Lue