Saturday, September 11, 2004

Everyday is a day to remember…Love. 

In meeting yesterday with gathering of women friends from Santa Rosa, I asked the question:
“In what do you trust? Where do you find safety and peace in a fearful world?”

Each one has a unique answer which suited their life experience and beliefs.

“I ask myself, What can I do? Recently, I started a large democratic discussion club where issues are presented and discussed without bashing others’ viewpoint. I invite those who are negative to speak.”

“I go to the person who appears to have fear, judgment, resentment, hurt and share my intention to be a friend, listen, do nothing that offends them. I make amends and apologize when I have erred. I have the courage to initiate communication and I listen.”

“I allow myself to feel the feelings we call ‘fear’ without making up a story about WHY I am having them, and simply allow the sensation to dissipate, which it usually does fairly quickly.”

“I breathe and invite myself into prayer and reflection. I listen to my inner voice and breathe in PEACE.”

“I don’t experience fear or conflict. I am kind and respectful to everyone, so I receive only kindness and respect. My life is good. I have no complaints.”

“I speak up about my opinions and feelings. I express them and usually find a way to make myself and others laugh,”

“I create new thoughts by doing something fun, loving or creative. I write a thank you note, clean my house with joy, try a new recipe, help someone in need, or simply express gratitude for all I have.”

“I know we are safe. Our safety lies in our faith, our belief that we can do no harm nor be harmed. I know that when I criticize, blame or judge another, I am adding to their fear and to my own. Therefore, I forgive my judging and fearful mind. I erase the thoughts that seem to scare me and cause me to withhold my love. I recognize that when I am attacking anyone for anything I am adding to the problem rather than seeking a solution.”

What do you do to feel safe and guild a safe and trusting world?

Trusting you and me to set us free from fear.
Betty Lue

Free Workshop on Sunday from 2-4PM Learning Difference, Not Disabilities: Enhance Learning and Memory with Brain Gym.